Investment Approach

We turn the complexity of the financial markets into clear pathways for investment. Our strategic approach aligns enduring wisdom with forward-thinking to build your wealth with precision.

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Active investment management, through capturing opportunities, exploring new ideas whilst staying true our proven investment approach.

Dynamic Management of Asset Allocation Strategy

We’re active in managing your investments, through capturing opportunities, and managing risks. We explore new ideas whilst staying true to our proven investment approach.

Tailored For You

We believe every client is unique. One size doesn’t fit all. We seek to fully understand your investment philosophy, objectives, timeframes and tolerance of risk before constructing your investment portfolios.

Evidence Over Speculation

Evidence-based investing is fundamental to our decision making. We rely on data, not guesswork. Our portfolios combine active and passive management. Active for optimal long-term returns, passive for stability and cost-efficiency.

Diverse Returns

Our goal is to provide a multitude of avenues for investment returns. We achieve this through active asset allocation strategy, active investment manager research and selection, and active currency management.

Cost Efficiency

In the creation of investment portfolios, we are cost conscious. We aim to enhance cost efficiency by minimising expenses where possible.

Market Efficiency vs. Human Emotions

Financial markets aren’t always rational. Human nature drives cycles of emotions, such as fear and greed.

Manager Selection

We evaluate, identify and select the best of breed investment managers, utilising our proven and proprietary research process.


Before striving for exceptional returns, our commitment is to safeguard and maintain capital.

How Activam Stands Out:
A Comparative Overview

Explore how Activam sets itself apart in the complex landscape of investment management. This overview highlights the distinctive features of our approach, showcasing the advantages we offer over conventional strategies.

Activam Group
Industry Standard
Tailored Asset Management
Data-Driven Decision Making
Dynamic Risk Management
Cost Efficiency Focus
Customized Portfolio Options
Advanced Manager Selection
Client-Centric Partnership
Sustainable Investing
Transparent Reporting